
Over the past two weekends, Open Studios was held throughout San Luis Obispo County. Over 200 artists had their studios open to the public, and many of the artists worked on projects and/or demonstrated their craft. I got to spend a day with some fun new friends, going through studios in Los Osos and Morro Bay. So much inspiration, fun, and of course, laughter! I came home just buzzing with ideas! This is something that is done each year, and I highly recommend it! How lucky I am to live in a community that is so rich in artistic inspiration!

On Saturday, Scott and I went north to visit my niece’s family. We got to see her son play football on Saturday, then celebrated his birthday that evening. Almost all of the kids and parents from his football team came to the party. I had the best time with the young women, most of whom are young enough to be my kids! We laughed, I danced a little, we teased, shared stories, and by the end of the evening, they were all calling me Aunty Lynn. It was awesome! 

Yesterday, we drove on up to Santa Clara to attend the Pacific International Quilt Show. I’ve been two or three other times, and the show gets better each time. I love this show, because it focuses more on art quilts, quilts with unusual embellishments, quilts made from unconventional materials, and always has a special exhibit of quilts from around the world. Scott had never been to this show before, so it was fun to see him see it for the first time! He was constantly saying, “Lynn, come here!” I loved it! We were both buzzing with ideas and inspiration for new designs and fiber adventures! 

Okay, I’m just a little bit excited about the central coast’s first Modern Quilting Friendship Group sew-in tonight! We have 20 confirmed, and who knows how many will pop in! The ladies at Picking Daisies have been so great about accomodating us! I can’t wait to see what this enthusiastic group comes up with! 

For the first time in a very long time, I feel creative, inspired, and joyful, right down to my very toes! It’s been a rough few years, and I’m so grateful for a renewed spirit and so many new possibilities! If I didn’t have a lot to do to get ready for tonight, I think I’d be covered in fabric, ink, dye, beads and baubles by the end of the day! There’s always tomorrow!

Re-Grouping for 2013 Quilt Finishes

This year has been pretty chaotic. When it started in January, I had no idea that by February, my life would be taking a huge turn! February was all about going to Quiltcon for the first time, then March to May was all about packing and moving to the central California coast. Unpacking has taken up a lot of my time since then, along with entertaining a lot of friends on the weekends and getting involved in our new community. It sure seems like October got here awfully fast, and the end of the year is right around the corner! EEEEE GADS!

In order to attempt to fire up my quilting mojo, I decided to post few unfinished projects and list what needs to be done on them. Nothing like putting it out there to be held accountable, eh? That’s what I’m talkin’ about! 


This zig zag quilt has been in the works for a year. I need to add two more orange rows to it, then I can get on with quilting it! I can’t remember what the fabric line was for the black and white print, but the solids are Kona cotton. I’d like to have it to the point of hand stitching the binding by the time our modern quilting friendship group meets for our first sew-in at Picking Daisies next Monday. 


This is a wallhanging that’s been waiting to be quilted for at least 2.5 years! I have a hard time thinking of ways to quilt my own stuff. I think I way over think these things! Time to quit thinking and just do! 


Another piece that has been waiting to be finished for about 4 years, maybe longer. I made this after taking a great class with Rose Hughes. I want to add some hand stitching, and I want the stitching to be random and funky looking. I struggle with letting go and making things look more random, so it sits. I also want to add some beading to it. I’m so close to being finished! Time to let loose and get it on!


These are blocks from the ‘Curve it Up’ Sew Along with the Quick Curve Ruler by Sew Kind of Wonderful. I got distracted after doing two blocks. Holidays, Quiltcon, job transfer, moving, etc. I wasn’t crazy about all of the blocks, but there are others I’d still like to make. I think I’ll sew up two more blocks and make them into a wallhanging. 


I have three blocks made like this one, and one more to go. There’s still lots of applique to do for the rest of the quilt, so there’s no way I’ll get this one finished this year. However, I can get that 4th block done! I wonder if I’ve unpacked the pieces for block #4? If I can find them, I can get this block done in a day or two. As you can see, I love Kaffe Fassett fabrics!

I have two other completed quilt tops and a table topper that are all ready to quilt. I’m not going to worry about those this year, but may put them on my January calendar. That’ll start me off in the new year with a bang! 🙂

Is anyone else pushing to get some UFO’s finished for 2013? C’mon, there’s still time!

New Modern Quilting Group

Moving to the coast last May was an opportunity of a lifetime. When we got the chance, we jumped at it without giving it much thought. It has been awesome, but there are drawbacks to moving. I’d lived in Bakersfield most of my adult life, and I was very involved in the local quilting community. I met with friends on a weekly basis to sew and socialize. I was involved in the Cotton Patch Quilt Guild for over 10 years, and I helped establish the Bakersfield Modern Quilt Guild. I also ran my longarm quilting business from home, so I had people coming and going all the time. 

Moving to the coast has been wonderful in many ways. The cooler temperatures and consistant climate have helped keep my RA in check. The air is breathable, as opposed to chewable, so I don’t suffer from allergies like I did in the Central Valley. I am surrounded by new sights, colors, sounds, and smells, so it could be very artistically inspiring. I say “could be”, because I’ve struggled with the “inspiring” department. The bottom line is, I’m lonely. Terribly so. It’s hard to be inspired when there’s nobody to share it with. Sure, I can share things with my husband, but it’s not like sharing things with your artsy quilty friends. I try to sew, but it’s kinda sad to sit here by myself and sew day after day. Gathering together to sew is fun, inspiring, and provides the need for fellowship. I need someone to bounce ideas off of. I need to be able to encourage and share, as well as feeling encouraged and taught, by others. To say the least, I’m feeling a bit isolated. 

I’ve gotten acquainted with two lovely sisters who own a wonderfully modern fabric shop in San Luis Obispo called Picking Daisies. I discovered the shop online, and with a name like that, I had to check it out! The sisters started their business by making a selling cloth napkins. Upon opening a store, they began to carry fabric and started teaching classes on napkin making. They now sell handmade napkins, buntings, aprons, and a few other wonderful goodies. In addition, they stock the shop with beautiful modern fabrics and some modern quilting books. The quality of their products is outstanding, and their service is even better! They are both fun, warm, friendly, and very open to the suggestions and requests of their customers. What could be better than that? 

Now comes the big announcement! Picking Daisies is hosting a meet ‘n greet for anyone in the Central Coast area interested in forming a friendship group for the purpose of learning about and exploring modern quilting. The meeting is tonight at 6:30 at Picking Daisies, 570 Higuera Street, Suite 120, located in The Old Creamery building. Parking is available on the street, in the little parking lot within The Creamery, and behind the building off of Nipomo Street. 

Now, must get off the computer and do a little preparing for the meeting! Woo hoooooo!!!