Checking In

When I started this blog, I seriously intended to post on a regular basis and to carve out time to explore new, creative things. Great intentions, not enough time! Since I blog for the Bakersfield Modern Quilt Guild, it seems that I’m all blogged out at the end of the day! I do have a lot of things on my mind that I’d like to share and start writing about, so I’ll just have to put that on my calendar. If I make lists, I tend to get more done. Blogging for myself is going to go on that list! 

For today, I’m finishing up my entry for Quiltcon and hoping to have lunch with a friend. Then I’m taking the weekend off! I’ve had a terribly rough couple of weeks with my RA, so I need some down time to give my body a chance to rest. May you all have a wonderfully, blessed day!